On November the 8th, 2024 at high noon, I will be giving a talk on the population collapse of East Liverpool, Ohio at the Museum of Ceramics.
Intro: Explore the rise and fall of East Liverpool from the perspective of energy resources. The talk will review 200 years of Tristate area history, while presenting a unique perspective on the population growth and collapse of East Liverpool.
If you’ve ever seen old postcards and photos of East Liverpool from the early 20th century, and then taken a walk through modern-day downtown East Liverpool, you might have wondered: What the hell happened? A once prosperous town, with amusement parks and opera houses, now engulfed in an ongoing state of dereliction and poverty. Where did all the people go? More importantly, where did all the money go? Who is in charge here? Patience dear reader, everything will be revealed. But I'll give you a clue, East Liverpool’s demise… it’s all about energy.
At the risk of giving away a few spoilers from my talk at the Museum I would direct you to William McCord History of Columbiana County written in 1905 about the progress of the preceding 100 years.
Of particular interest is Chapter 10, “Earth’s Hidden Treasures.”
I found this content so revealing in terms of understanding the fate of East Liverpool, and perhaps the fate of modern civilization, I put Chapter 10 into Audiobook form.
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